Transformative Research Technologies Call


BBSRC have partnered with EPSRC and MRC in a call to specifically encourage proposals relevant to “Technology Touching Life” (TTL), a joint initiative to foster interdisciplinary research into innovative and potentially disruptive technological capabilities that will drive world-leading basic discovery research in the life sciences.  The call has an indicative total budget up to £3.5 million.

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USA – UK Travel Grants for Research Software Engineers


The first two awards from the EPSRC USA-UK Research Software Engineer Travel fund have just been announced and Martin Turner from Research IT has been fortunate enough to receive one them.  The funding aims to encourage greater collaboration between the UK and USA-based Research Software Engineer communities to help with: investigating emerging hardware and the impact on software; building collaboration around a particular science area; developing common community codes; and building links between computational / computer science and mathematics.

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EPSRC Research Software Engineer Fellowships Call


EPSRC has announced a call to support Research Software Engineer (RSE) Fellowships for a period of up to 5 years. The Fellowships are open to exceptional individuals in the software field who demonstrate leadership and have combined expertise in programming and a solid knowledge of the research environment.

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